
Hear parents’ personal experiences with the StandUp Parenting Program.

“The powerful tools, creative strategies, and constant, consistent support given by parents who share similar problems give me the courage to take action and change my life.” J.K., TX

“This program helped my husband and me to get united and survive the roller coaster ride of our son’s drug addition…and poor life choices.” G. K., CA

“It’s a place to change at your own pace and where no one tells you what to do. It’s great to hear what others have done in their crisis and to get new ideas.” P.H., CT

“When I felt the deepest despair and thought that I would not be able to have a future relationship with my acting out kids, parents in the group demonstrated through their own results, that I could rebuild my family.” S.G., OR

“The love and support I was offered by parents involved with the program during the crisis with my son saved his life and my sanity.” J.S., TX

“Parents helping parents because we love our children. I like the idea of saying only what is necessary, which I learned in the group. The group has taught us life long skills.” N.B., CT

“Great support parents to call whenever, at any time of the day or night.” T., CT

“My wife and I are fairly new to SUP. The main thing we appreciate is the weekly support. We get it at the weekly meetings and when someone calls us for support. Also we call someone and give support.” L.K., TX